NCERT Learning Outcomes from Classes 1 to VIII Telugu Version

NCERT Learning Outcomes from Classes 1 to VIII Telugu Version

NCERT Learning Outcomes from Classes 1  to VIII Telugu Version 1
Expected Learning Outcomes in English
Acquire the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking in an integrated

Develop  interpersonal communication skills.
Attain basic proficiency like, developing ability to express one’s thoughts orally and in
writing in a meaningful way in English language.
Interpret and understand instructions and polite forms of expression and respond meaningfully both orally and  in writing.
Develop  reference skills both printed and electronic mode.
Acquire varied range of vocabulary; understand increased complexity of sentence structures both in reading and writing.
Express an awareness of social and environmental issues.
Read and interpret critically the texts in different contexts– including verbal (including Braille) and pictorial mode.

Mathematics Learning Outcomes as Follow
Develop a connection between daily life contexts and
mathematical thinking.
Understand shapes and articulate their observable properties as similarities and differences among them.
Develop own methods of performing operations on numbers in daily life (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). develop language and symbolic notations with standard algorithms of performing number operations.
Estimate outcome of operations on two or more numbers and use it in daily life activities.
Learn to represent the part of a whole as a fraction and order simple fractions.
Collect , represent and interpret simple data from her/his contexts and use it in everyday life.
Identify and extend simple patterns in shapes and numbers.
EVS Learning Outcomes

 Acquire awareness about immediate/wider surroundings
Through lived experiences on various themes related to daily life, e.g., family, plants, animals, food, water, travel, and shelter etc.
Nurture natural curiosity and creativity for the immediate surroundings.
develop various processes/skills, e.g., observation, discussion, explanation, experimentation, logical reasoning, through interaction with immediate surroundings.
Develop sensitivity for the natural, physical and human resources in the immediate environment.
Point out and raise issues related to equality, justice and respect for human dignity and rights.
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Complete Class wise Subject wise Learning Outcomes